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22 Random Things I Just did at 3am Because I couldn't sleep... order:

  1. Study convection vs conduction vs radiation for my continued culinary adventures and cookbook writing.

  2. Consider the theology of man's sinful nature and surrendering to God's will.

  3. Work on a post about stars after watching meteors shoot across the milky way last night from a dark Texas beach.

  4. Ponder the next trick I'm going to teach Winnie.

  5. Check on the bears. It is just gains, on gains, on gains lately!!

  6. Realize the key to my heart is big dogs and bright stars.

  7. Look at my list of STEM topics I want to teach my niece and nephew and add books and materials for experiments to my Amazon cart.

  8. Buy carnivorous potting soil for my Venus fly trap.

  9. Find a cool quote I hadn't read before. “I’ve never considered a difference of opinion in politics, in religion, in philosophy, as a cause of withdrawing from a friend.” -President Thomas Jefferson

  10. Research custom wrapping paper to see if I can get Christmas paper with my face on it to make my family laugh.

  11. Look up the medical code for a paper cut in the ICD-10-CM. (It's W26.2)

  12. Happy dance because college football is now less than two weeks away.

  13. Wonder if my favorite suede jacket is in my closet or in storage.

  14. Hop on to X to see the best and worst of humanity.

  15. Close my eyes and listen to a Jimmy Durante song.

  16. Research a bit more for my Mayflower Society membership.

  17. Make sure wreath laying at the National Cemetery with Wreaths Across America is on my calendar.

  18. Work on my grocery list and meal planning for this week as I remember the good old days when I could go grocery shopping in the middle of the night.

  19. Chug a Rambler too quickly and instantly regret it.

  20. Stand in the kitchen and eat a mouthful of cold lo mien before I crawl back into bed to attempt sleep.

  21. Irritate Winnie because I disrupted her majesty's slumber when I adjusted my pillows.

  22. Put on one of my favorite records to fall asleep to...


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