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My Christian walk has been interesting. While I spent my first 20 years of life being a bougie Presbyterian who looked down at others from my holy position of theology, I spent the following 15 walking away from God and shutting him out.

Today I watched a sermon on tv that a neighbor sent me, knowing I was struggling, and I wept. It was the most honest thing I'd heard in ages.

There was good news. There was hope. There was redemption. There was forgiveness.

There was hope.

There was hope.

There was hope.

I know we are meant to feel uncomfortable on this earth. It is full of sin and we are separated from God. However, I also believe we are meant to find community. God has blessed us with others who hold us up when standing on our own feels impossible.

I'm so very blessed to have a God who sends people to me when I need help. People from unexpected places who shoot me an online megachurch service, a service I would have discounted in my arrogant youth. But the same service that uplifted me and pointed me back to God this week. A service that truly fed me the spiritual fuel I needed to continue carrying on. A service that saved me, and that I can't wait to watch next week.


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