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Cooking up Love

“Until I discovered cooking, I was never really interested in anything.” – Julia Child

I’m truly passionate about cooking. For some reason completely unknown to me, I’m naturally very good at it. I can cook fancy things or I can cook the simplest of dishes. However, what I love cooking more than anything is comfort food. The kind of food where just one bite makes your whole body relax. Just a taste makes you feel like you are in the safest, most loving place in the whole world.

I love loving people through my cooking.

When I find that someone is sick I love cooking up some soup to take them. I love filling the freezer of a family going through a difficult time. Knowing that I can make their lives easier simply by cooking (one of my favorite things to do) is thrilling.

I used to dream of being that wife who cared for the children, did all the laundry and cleaning, and had dinner on the table every night for my husband when he came home from work. With my infertility making my chances of settling down with a husband slim to none, I’ve been forced to find other ways to cook for loved ones.

When my brother lived with me for a while I used to love cooking big meals and feeding him and all his friends. I was never as happy as when they were all gathered at my kitchen table, groaning because they ate too much, and telling me how thankful they were for the meal.

Cooking for them wasn’t enough. I wanted to find better ways to serve others. So I started cooking more for families that just had a baby, just lost a loved one, or had an ill family member.

Never has my heart been so full. Right now I’m trying to come up with a creative way to really turn what I love into what I get to do all the time. At the moment my cooking gets fit in around my studies. Oftentimes I find myself sitting over a textbook with a brilliant new recipe idea that I have to try to get out of my head so I can go back to studying.

So how do I make this happen? How do I turn doing what I love for the people I love into what I do full time? Something I'll have to chew on for a while, I guess!


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