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Every Person Matters

Twenty-two years ago I was working at an oil company in Downtown Houston and taking the Metro to work everyday. It was a usual day and on the ride home I put my headphones on to listen to the new Depeche Mode album on my Diskman. I sat next to a man I didn’t know but we both ended up falling asleep and leaning against each other. It was in no way intentional. After an hour we were at our final destination and awoke to wipe drool off our faces. It was a little awkward but it was the best nap of my life! I was young and didn’t know how to apologize to this stranger for napping and drooling on him. He turns to me as we are getting off the Metro and he says:


I’ve thought of this stranger many times. I wondered if I could find him. I’ve never tried to, but this happy memory of my best nap keeps me going. I’ve spent the last 22 years chasing that extreme level of relaxation.

The closest I’ve come to that restorative level of rest is falling asleep with my fresh sunburn, in my ice cold cruise ship room, that was pitch black, after an entire day on the beach in Cozumel, Mexico. That was in 2014. I'm overdue for a good nap!

Don’t ever underestimate the ability for a tiny encounter with a stranger to bring you endless joy. Be kind to everyone. You never know what may happen. It could be the best nap of your life…


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