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Is Silence Golden?

For me the most difficult part of trying to live in a Christlike way is taking a hit when you don't deserve one. I used to think it all evened out in the end...for all the times I deserved the hit and dodged it. I've been trying to keep the peace. That has been a big focus of the last half of 2023 for me. However, keeping the peace has often been at my own expense. There have been a handful of times where I could have come to my own defense, but it would have hurt someone else by exposing their truth. Where do I draw the line? It is my job to protect their truth so they don't have to answer to the consequences of it? I'm tired. I'm exhausted from living in this web of other people's lies so that I don't offend someone. I don't want to lie and I think it is wrong of them to expect me to do so. So for now, I will just hermit all to myself. It is a very lonely existence. The awkwardness is almost intolerable. All because I'm keeping my mouth shut to try and honor God. I just pray I'm doing the right thing, and if I'm not, that God shows me that very clearly.


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