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It's the law, son!

I start my day the same way every single weekday. After breakfast and stretching I sit at my desk and have my devotion and meditation time before starting my work day. It really seems to help center me and start my day on a calm and joyful note. It prepares me to attack the day with gratitude and hope, rather than feeling bogged down by all the menial tasks I have ahead of me that day. It doesn't mean I won't get incredibly frustrated when I have to call Suddenlink later today to make adjustments to my account, but it does help me put the whole day in perspective.

I can't explain the peace and calm it washes over me. Imagine that! I put God first in my day and it actually benefits me? Who'd've thunk it?! The serenity it brings me only reinforces how critical it is that I start my day in this way. So every day serves as a little reminder of why I start this way.

This morning I read a devotion on hope and the things we should be placing our hope in. It led me to Psalm 40. I haven't read Psalm 40 in a while and I forgot how much is in there! I forgot how rich it is and the hope and comfort it brings. One of the first verses to pop out at me was verse 8.

"I delight to do your will, O my God;

your law is within my heart."

This verse means more to me at age 38 than it has ever meant to me before. I had a radical shift in my thinking this year when it came to matters of faith and what truths I cling to. How do I know what is right and wrong? Social issues are so thoroughly woven into our daily lives now and it is so easy to be influenced by outside, rational sounding thinkers...who in no way look to God for what is right and wrong. How can any love be wrong? How can you take away choices from women? It is so simple to get tied up in the human emotion of it all.

But what does God say? This is the first year of my life I was able to wholeheartedly embrace the truths of scripture without question. It sounds like an easy thing to do, but it isn't. There was always some sliver of a verse that my heart didn't fully embrace. How could something be true if it condemns a behavior that seems loving?

However, at the end of the day God's law is God's law. There isn't room for argument. As finite beings we aren't meant to understand it all. My job is to acknowledge that following God's law truly brings me happiness. All I need to do is simply just follow it, seek God's will, and allow myself to be an instrument for Him. It couldn't be any more basic.


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