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I'm starting this year with the intention of being joyful.

I truly believe that joy can be found in every situation. Life is too short, and I am far to blessed, to focus on anything negative. My life just doesn't need those vibes anymore. I'm leaving negativity in my past.

I'm leaving a lot of things in my past as I roll into 2023. A lot of people won't have the privilege of joining in all the memories I make this year. This is by my choice. It is tough to draw the line and separate yourself from people you love. The love never goes away, so it will always hurt to be separated from them. There will always be a void. But, they live in my past and will stay firmly there. It is a past I'm neither regretful of or wish to ignore, but a past nonetheless. I take along into my future the lessons learned as I shift into loving them in a different way. Even at a distance I can be thankful for them.


Finding gratefulness in all that I do. Beyond just being happier when I seek gratitude, I'm commanded to do so!

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Imagine that. When I follow God's instructions for how to live in this earthly life, I'm actually happier. Can you believe that?! This is such a simple concept but one I need to remind myself of all the time. My Creator gave me a user manual, I need only to use it.

To use it, I need to know it. This nails down the importance of scripture memorization. That is something I plan to make more of a priority this year. I've been working on how to make changes in my mind and heart and I think it will help to have scripture fresh in my mind. Staying in the Word and maintaining my connection with God is my number one priority. It makes all other things in my life fall into place.

Here is to a future of gratitude, joy, and peacefulness!


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