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Stars & Dreams

Stars are one of my favorite things. They always have been. I had the gift of seeing some amazing shooting stars in crystal clear skies the last few weekends and reminded me of the many reasons I love stargazing.

I love how beautiful stars are. This is a pretty basic an obvious reason to love the stars. If you've ever traveled away from city lights to a place where there isn't much light pollution, you will know what it is like to gaze upon the heavens and see hundreds of little twinkles dancing above you. It can take your breath away if you aren't used to seeing them. It is also true what they say, the stars at night really are big and bright, deep in the heart of Texas!

I love how small they make me feel. Stars and other celestial bodies have a great way of putting you in your place! It is really nice to be just a tiny speck in this vast universe and realize your insignificance. It is a fantastic ego check and takes a lot of pressure off oneself.

I love the stars remind me our God is so big.

Lift up your eyes on high and see:

who created these?

He who brings out their host by number,

calling them all by name;

by the greatness of his might

and because he is strong in power,

not one is missing.

Isaiah 40:26

How can someone look at the beauty above and deny the existence of a Creator? How can someone gaze into the vastness of an ocean and deny the existence of an almighty God? I'm thankful for these visible reminders all the time.

The last two weekends my best friend and I drove down to the coast. The first weekend was with a group of friends, but last weekend it was just us. Stars have a way of calming people. We spent hours just laying on the beach and talking. We had serious talks as well as bouts of laughter. We talked about happy things and a few sad things. We reflected on our past and dreamed about our future. All while lying under this band of the Milky Way and seeing the occasional shooting star from the Perseids shoot by.

Our view of the Milky Way from West Beach.

We are already looking forward to The Geminids in December and plan to have a nice bonfire on the beach since the weather will be cooler. We can't wait to see more stars and continue dreaming away.


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